Are You an Energy Vampire or A Provider?
Do you remember the last time you spoke to someone and felt like you needed a drink to get over the conversation? My very articulate sister and I were chatting about people we know (right, bitching is the word) and she suddenly called someone an Energy Vampire! I loved the phrase (she’s a writer and is constantly coming up with these concept words) and it got me thinking of the kind of people we surround ourselves with. Sadly, a lot of people around just drain our energy instead of adding a spark to it. It can be anyone, really! A friend, a family member or even you and me. It’s that someone who just has a way of making you feel like the world is going to end. Damn it! I don’t want the world to end. I want to live and see places. I want to be 80 and be a pain in the a….(okay, will skip that one). I want to laugh and do dumbass things and not feel bad about myself.
So here is something I realize – I choose to be an energy provider. I think I can deal with my own shit. I have to. But more importantly, I choose to be happy. I choose to be someone who does not criticize and stay sad. I don’t know if I will be that someone who can make others crack up, but heck I think I can make them smile. I will settle for that!