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Talking About Feelings: A book to assist adults in helping children unpack, understand and manage their feelings and emotions



The aim of this book is to assist adults in helping children unpack, understand and manage their feelings and emotions in an engaging and interactive way. This book can be used by parents, caregivers, teachers and/or health professionals who may have specific concerns about a child, or who simply wish to ‘check in’ to see how their child is fairing, and is an ideal addition to their ‘toolkit’. I strongly suggest using this book over a number of sessions, working through it slowly and at the child’s pace; ensuring they have sufficient time to respond. This book should be thought of as a series of stimuli designed to initiate discussions about the child’s feelings. It is NOT a series of questions that must be answered in a linear way. Be prepared to stop and listen to the child and be flexible in the use of this book. It is also important that the adult is an active listener, i.e. taking the time to ‘hear’ what the child may be trying to convey. Children, particularly young children, do not have the vocabulary or the experience to draw upon to express exactly how they are feeling. This book has been designed to assist parents, caregivers, teachers and health professionals to help children understand what they are feeling and why they might feel that way, and to encourage them to talk about and describe their feelings and emotions in a non-pressured, guided and safe environment. The questions in this book are suggestions only. The adult who is using this book with the child needs to follow the child’s lead in order to have a meaningful and authentic discussion. Talking about challenging emotions and accumulating a ready bank of ‘feeling’ words helps a child to better express their emotions rather than act them out through negative behaviours. Providing children with the skills and words to express their feelings is key to helping them move forward in a positive way.


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